QuantumQuetzal New Bromon Idea

I’m not from the company, @sweezy need to see by himself

I think he’s just asking u to dm him b/c he will prob see a moderators DM? Idk honestly…

sweezy don’t answer dms

Ik Idk if he knows tho

Tis needs to get added


all my votes are legit unlike SOREN HANSEN

He said only 9 of them are his friends…

absolute cap

We don’t know :wink:

This is worthy of the Legendary Title Unlike Smile-R1ghtNow’s idea.

what is smile right now’s idea

It is another Extension bro-mon that can stun and is Mythical :nerd_face:
It is like the MystiXention. :mystixtension:

oh the goofy one

Ye :+1:

Its not ILLEGAL To ask a couple of your friends to vote.

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is it?

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probs not

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hmmmm…the only problem is that others don’t feel fair when they dont even invite any and have less vote…Like me.

do you want me to ask my friends to vote for one of yours?

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