Quick Lore Check On How I Became An Active Member Of This Community (TRUST ME IT'S NOT BORING)

                              !LORE TIME!

A new idea came to my mind (Cat Atsley) and I decided to go back to the community after all I only had 1 post which was just a topic on spawn eggs, I went back to check my idea and create my idea and leave once again, until @zangoose saw my topic and replied asking to draw it for me, and I said yes, which after showing his image I asked him to fix it a little and he did, he even gave me description and we talked for a bit, which got me to explore the community and that was decision that changed me. Day after day, I would check the community everyday and even stop for a chat, which leads me to today. Honestly I’m grateful for all the friends I’ve made here and the people of this community, you guys have always made my day.
And a huge shoutout to @zangoose, who changed me into who I am today.

Also shoutouts to my good friends:
And everyone who is a part of this community!
I wanted to thank you all for always making my day!


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Tysm bro

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I should be thanking you

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No thanks to you

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I would have left the community without you guys

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Shoutotut to:
My best friend @Aaravdeep_Singh and @SMILE , who have been helping me here in the community, @syeda_ayesha for thoughts and @Good_boy2494 also


Thank you! (times two)

Awww thanks

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Thx it’s nice to be recognized

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DUDE! bruh

I ain’t your friend

Thank you guys for your kindness!

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Your welcome

Noones your friend

Nice fact!

Bruh it was a joke! Im your friend!

Me too! Everyone in this Community is your friend @Tutube !

Nice lying

Cool lying