I like both so much, but probably sylveon. espeon looks a little sus
Also do you want me to post some more regional pokemon for some ideas?
Yeah, Sylveon is HER. (cause its a fairy type and fairy types are rarely male.)
Do you like umbreon?
Ok for the first one I’ll post…
Galarian Ponyta!
oh, i like this one. which do you prefer?
Paldean Wooper all the way.
Me too. My favorite regional is Aloan Raichu
And for my next trick…
Alolan Sandslash
And next as a special suprise…
Dang, sandslash is a beast. i did not know it had a variant
Alolan Raichu!
awwwwwww my favorite by far
I may have to talk more monday, i also may have to leave abruptdly
What now?
If you could have one pokemon as a pet, what would it be?