Send me your Bromon Ideas and i'll rate them and vote for them

now sushibun the description gets a 7/10 because it’s way too long but Sweezy can probably fix that
the rarity is really good for it because it doesn’t look too strong
the type is perfect for it
catchprase 6/10 it just feels a bit weird

how do i draw on canva

you don’t have to draw you can just use elements and add them together to make things


voted but it should be like uncommon or rare!!!

I voted do you want me to rate it aswell and give feedback?

ok i have to go


ok you can see it when you come back


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now choco moo 2/10 for the image I found this image on multiple sources already
rarity fits perfectly
type also fits perfectly seeing a lot of foodies here
catchphrase 5/10 I feel like you could use this on any sugar related bro-mon
7/10 don’t really care if the description is ai generated

like this

Now i’ll do Astraquine
rarity 6/10 again I think it should be a legendary or potentially an epic
Type I think cosmix fits perfectly
6/10 I don’t know if it’s just me but i’m not a big fan of the catchphrases
The description is Ai generated but i’ll give it a 7/10

yeah did you use elements?


maybe i will make it a bro mon

have to go

I think add a bit more detail so it has a better chance

ok pls heart my messages if you think I did a good job