Smily New Bromon Idea

A cute little smiley face with arms and legs.
Screenshot 2024-09-05 123720

Name: Smiley
Crush: Mythic
Catchphrase: A smile a day keeps the bromons away | Or | :slightly_smiling_face:
Type: Webby
Description: Smiley once got pulled from the emoji bar, ruining his life forever.
Now Smiley roams the internet. Looking for some friends to share his trips around the internet with.

Attacking Pose:
Smiley Attack

Pls say that @Drago_master1 helped me… I saw him on Earth and he helped me.
Pls say that @Drago_master1 helped me… I saw him on Earth and he helped me.
Pls say that @Drago_master1 helped me… I saw him on Earth and he helped me.

Cute :smiley:

yes very cute

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they should add this

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Why mythic tho?


@drago_master said so

ehhh doesn’t seem like a mythical


yes maybe epic or rare

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Well ok if people vote on it

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It just seemed that it felt like an original emoji. Maybe legendary

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Idk y I chose mythic

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Same what

IDK :person_shrugging: hmmmmm

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Pls vote that’s all I need


Ty @Good_boy2494
