Spect0rb_Galticans_Yum1 And guys

Just saying, half of these ideas are mine.

here is the pic:

POSTING SharpEE soon!!!:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

okay peace guys do not turn this into a fight again

ok @SophiaBeifong

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I made SharpEE by myself and Yumi came up with SpectrOrb. I came up with the crush, lore and catchphrase for both.



Text Golem:

Crush: Epic

Catchphrase: Writing the world into order!

Far beyond the clouds storage, Text Golem arises! He goes chat to chat, correcting the mistakes of typers and helps Emoji Golem with his work time to time!

Name - Doom bolt
Type - Fan Fave
Rarity - Mythical
Catchy Phrase - I will doom and zoom you right before I boom you
Design - I’m not too sure, could you pls make one.

this is djjivi’s idea

Just saying guys, if we get chosen, Use a team name,

mine are a quarter of these ideas or just some


Name: Eurekamber.
Type: oddballz
Crush: uncommon
Catchphrase: Eureka! Mined an amber winner.
Description: As miners dug down to earth’s core, they accidentally mined an ancient form of amber. Out from it, emerged the bromon Eurekamber! Why Is called that? When it was mined, the first word the miner said to him was Eureka. Now he roams the undergrowth and the caves and caverns down below

Bro mons idea

Name - ghoulish guacamole
Catch - I am stock for a little guac

Name - Chester Cheetoh
Type - foodie

pls dont ban me too i am with them

i really like sweezy pls dont ban me

you can’t get banned

Name - Mystic Mario
Crush epic
Type Fan fave
