Super Epic Showdowns!

But still Emoji Golem is my third fav Bro-Mon after doug

Catastrophe is way to good for a guy like Emoji Golem

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Emoji golem’s reaction to losing to a kitty in a jar: :sob::triumph::rage::tired_face: (the four heads)

  • Burger turtle
  • Doug
0 voters

I have a new thing I’ll be doing for every post after this: whoever wins the battle will battle the next day against a new opponent

Burger turtle!

I swear if burger turtle wins :joy:

  • Doug
  • Brrblaze
0 voters
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ok… ima stop the polls for now

okay :pensive:



Guys just a heads up this will be closed for 2 weeks

Why closed? It’s good!

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  • Cloudphant
  • Candy golem
0 voters

I have a lot of common un common and some rare

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I wish I would stop losing