Yea Thats true becuz I flagged and @sweezy must have been Pinged to conforim the Flag
What were you talking about? I don’t understand that one
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Oh, so you meant you mentioned Sweezy in the flag?
U dint Get IT AT ALLLL
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A flag is automatically sent to Sweezy
And now you are trying to understand it
He bro he
No, i was there, @Ferre_Janssens started saying that @syeda_ayesha was copying her, but honestly, i dont think its worth a ban, because he didint sayed bad words.
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thanks i hope i dont get banned tho
Unofficial tho
see so much evidence, so whos side are u on @PancinoPeace and @Paxt0n_222 and @Aaravdeep_Singh and @Annjjj11