Breaking news
No news rn i woke up 7:06 am today its too early and keep your anti ash mask on until the infection is ove- Ahhhh! He almost infected me.
Stay safe!
I just realized you put this in News
look I don’t have time to make one and I don’t need another one but just search it up and i’m not trying to start an argument over here so can we please stop arguing because I don’t care about this as much as any of you others do so I say we just end it here
Breaking news
Lately i got sick so no news by me until im not sick
For more info see this Im sick(Covid 19 for community member returns?)
Sorry bro, people is inmortal is in our hearth
Since when?
Breaking news!!!
Today is the day i got christmas avatar
See more info here Roblox christmas outfit
No offense but but he needs to be regular
Me here August 2 bit I think he deserves leader
Im regluar since i have been existent here since June 2
Got ya
I’m a member
Huh dont lying
I sẽ this
Yes, I’m a member…of Sweezy Community. Not about trust level