@Sweezy we need to stop the war with our leaders and members

? me being toxic? you:

‘Not tOxIc’

How about we say we are sry IDC about who started

You guy STOP being toxic to each other or I WILL cuz I am in the WAR

I am so FEED up with you toxic users

My chats, ides, and wat not you users a getting me into this


I am so angered with both of you people I tried to stop but no matter how hard I try you don’t listen

yo chill little bro

Me CHILL??? You chill with the war

Then I DO you lunatics

I can’t handle the war anymore

You guys should stop this war as soon as you guys can…There’s another option Sweezy can do

Wat is that?:man_shrugging:

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A mystery…If you know,you know



like my search history

chill. dont use up all your aura now

Choose a side for nothing…

  • Peace
  • War
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@TheBssimulator and @activelysane323, @sweezy has said you may be silenced for a bit if you continue to act up. Please spare me and don’t make me do it.