For our leader
Well group leader
no its just little kids fighting over copyright claims
nvite me to a chanell oh i left general plz invite me back… klol
War war war…Time to end
@TheBssimulator and @activelysane323, CALM DOWN! I’ve said it once, I don’t want to say it twice, pls don’t make me silence you 🩷
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I will leave the war now
Yes The ArtPurloin And The Dogoactivelysane
Umm still not understanding
purloin = steal TheBzzimulator steals art
(No Offense)
Why would you silence me? I’ve tried multiple times to make truce!
none taken
guys, theres no sides ._. why don;t we stop the conflict? I believe this war is over.
Lol XD
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even cloud be laughing at activelysane
Suck it up Bssimulator XD
you really have short term memory loss
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Noooo Dementia (No Offense)