Text RPG! :1_sweezy_cursors:

sspell, spell star smash

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Fireball spell

the wizard rexdex is watching and is impressed with your skills!

im a changeling btw

You use a spell!

Star Smash!
12 dmg

Waesris Lv 2

Waesris coughs up a little blood
Then she attacks!

Long Range Bow Attack!
It Hits!
6 dmg


As you are hit you notice a legendary wizard Rexdex looking at you

You pull the arrow out from your leg
Then you start running towards Waesris

You Attack!
8 dmg


You Win!

40 xp!

Level up!

Firewall_Fenrir Stats:
Lv: 3
Talent: Wizardry
Race: Dragonborn

You are about to leave to go heal up when Rexdex stops you

Rexdex: “Hey, I saw your fighting skills back there, and I was wondering if you would be interested in learning from me. So would you like to learn from me?”

Would you?:

  1. yes
  2. no
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You: “Yes, I would be very grateful to learn from a master like you!”
Rexdex: “Then I will teach you a new spell, would you like to learn it now?”

  1. yes
  2. no
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Rexdex: “Okay, it is called Freeze”

You spend the rest of the time until the next match

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To Be Continued…

What about the character meet a villager then get a mission that is enter a dungeon to collect the treasure?


But does he accept? We don’t know

A wild Gigantimax Eevee appears!!

This isn’t Kirbo…

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yuh huh :slight_smile: