Text RPG! :1_sweezy_cursors:

Because Scratchgamer want to become the owner of this RPG round

to learn more powerful attacks at the power scool

yeah and that too

i dont need more powerfull attacksss im allready powerfull

but sssure

You are already powerful since you have Super Glue

I still remember it

nobody asssked and its acccid.

but you need to learn more

lets fight the wild fox and beetle

Isn’t this a game and you can give players superpower?

why its just a tiny beetle

i encountered it earlier

Because you are too strong to fight in this place, go to the sky city

its weighs 4 pounds and its bigger

ssso? i can just BURN IT pulls out a torch

beetle fainted it took all of its health and got damaged

Weighs 4 pounds? Then it will crawl slowly

letsss go ahead

scratchgamer used soggy cookie to lower its health and speed