The Bump Lounge

Thanks for backing me up! :sweat_smile: I don’t know what this guy is trying to do.

Yes i don’t know too
He wanna do a mess in my Cloudphant chat :neutral_face:

I’d better help the cloudphant chat!

ok this is actually messed up @colizy

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you are done for when Sweezy see this mess @colizy

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Bro stop
You will get banned.

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@sweezy you need to ban @colizy

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honestly bro wth

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watch you get banned

Yeah, you’ll definitely get banned.

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to have three leaders on you, you’re done for

Arghh these people!

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I don’t know what you want to do but know that this is a community not a place to insult others

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lol “5 people active” like 2000 users

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This guy just won’t stop, hey?




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