A New Idea In Bromon! THAT NO ONE HAS THOUGH OF! The Tower! (KEEP OUT!)
The tower is a place that you can enter 3 times a day. It is a dangerous place which you bromon can enter. The tower is an endless place that your bromon will fight weird demented creatures. The further you progress into the tower, The more chaotic dangerous enteties that you will encounter. Travel deeper into the tower to earn more rewards. Earn skulls and gold that can be used to craft special items to horde off these exiled monsters. Be warned, DO NOT ENTER!
this is such a good idea voted
Thank you so much!!!
oh that would be cool, like the boss fight at the top of the tower
Your ment to be fight bromon that get harder and harder. Not dark matter bromon. That’s also from pet sim X in roblox.
U still stole it from pet sim X though.
Well its the ratio of how commonly they spawn
Thank you so much!
@sweezy @rocked think my dark matter idea is a evolution and is just a varriant thats stronger. the idea in question
Love I so much voted.
a,azing idea