no rayyan please dont died!
I think he got eaten by a cangaroo
…thats very very disrespect ful…
Wat l? Bro u saying where I live is crazy?
BRO that was a joke but i think nobody has a sense of humor
A Joke?.. its like hearing of akid drowning and saying… SKILL ISSUE…
no thats not what i meant
You know what… im tired of this… ima make a topic…
no way bro even got the spelling wrong
its not misspelled bro look it up
It’s misspelled…It’s Kangaroo…I can’t find anything named “Cangaroo”
Try search it on Wikipedia
i call it cangaroo
Still? You misspelled the misspelled word
ok ur funny BUT i call it CanGaRoO
Not approve by a Australian
buddy im australian don’t question my spelling