Topic for the infection fight(@Doggieclub vs @Warriorcats)

Werewolf Drains all lakes and oceans and destroys food and destroys all the markets across the world

Wereeolf realizes he just drains his own dogs water

:skull: . . .

i shooț all cats

No lo siento

Uno reverse

Oh yea

Maybe but no machine can stop the void… ME… I have almost completely taken over the entire void…

Void is da infinite u can’t get destroyed cuz of a machine

but u are the void… taking over ursrlf

no their in the void

Yes… almost in conrtol…


Oh yeah, well ive been afk 3 weeks, your infection expired lol

It’s still not done….

Produces all dogwater and any cat drinks are gone and fish and cat food are gone

Feeds @DoggieClub dog treats

cats eat mice and use cows for milk

Rexdex I like it when you was just Hangman

Also for on the menu is feesh but the lake is dried so they cant live here to fish up @Rexdex