here is an idea: a house bro-mon or something
u can draw it and i can give it a “story”
I tried
plus she doesnt like it if i dm her so…
why r these ideas so good!
I dunno
WOW, some really old posts u got here
I got Krursor the first day playing bromon!!!
Great ideas!!! TUTUBEE
What is happening…
i don’t know
35 days, yes it’s 35… What happened… I hate this communi… What should I do…
Type:Foodie or Wildify
Phrase?:“Good buffet, food buffalo”
Description:This buffalo was found by a farmer, the farmer grew it. With the power of give back, the buffalo work harder, stronger and make food with itself to give back what the farmer gave it
.Hey @Sweezy,you can change if you don’t like…But if you choose mine to be the new bro-mon
,please reply me
This topic is in the top 15 more voted bro mon ideas! See here for more info:arrow_down:
This is not a bro-mon idea! It can’t be in the list since the list required “aren’t added yet”
And guess what… This topic is the living place for the ideas! Not a single one! If it count “aren’t added” then to make it all added. All need to be added, not only one!
Can you stop being mean
Im getting tired
Ahh question
Then get on the bed and sleep