Uh how to screenshot screen pics with no cam and win 11 pro as my os?

ware tell me i need proper details1

I lost my phone I cant take a screenshot

:among_us_yellow_twerk: lol

bro you don’t even have a phone

ill soon but ill b 8 yrs old in 12 or lees/more weaks

yeah ok still wont have a phone

@ayobird drake will show up at ur doorstep :)))

and keiana look at the top of ur computer
does it have some square or just a border

yeah exactly

he need to turn it on

really bro… :skull:

  • say happy early birthday or
  • say happy earley birthday
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click here for info about my emothion!

i am so dedecaited to being with you guys1

i love being here!

btw justr a boarder

then u sadly don’t have a camera

tomarow ill ask for a webcam on my bday



Tomorrow :skull:

even MS Editor Autocorrected that lol