[CLOSED] Official Daily Bro-mon Blog || Cloud


Welcome to my very own Bro-mon poll that I update every week! So get your thinking caps on and get ready to rumble through polls about your favourite Bro-mons! It’s Bro-mon fun at max!

Week 1 (27/5/2024)

The Ugliest Mythical Bro-mon
  • Catstrophe
  • Bro-mon
  • Doug
  • BrrBlaze
  • Monster Catnap
0 voters

Week 1 (27/5/2024)

Rate Bro-mon Playability! (1 = Boring, 10 = The Best!)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters

Week 1 (27/5/2024)

Your First Legendary Bro-mon!
  • Emoji Golem (After Update)
  • Flappy Bird
  • FirewallFenrir
  • Enchfrog
  • Orbchrome
0 voters

Week 1 (27/5/2024)

Do you have all the Bro-mon?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Week 1 (28/5/2024)

Cutest Bro-mon!
  • Cloudphant
  • CometiX
  • Flappy Bird
  • BrrBlaze
  • CinnaBunny
  • Snapghost
  • Galatipanda
  • sULferFox
  • Moolshake
  • Enchfrog
  • Candy Golem
  • Whirlibee
  • Hissinghat
  • Doug
0 voters

Week 1 (28/5/2024)

Bro-mon Idea: Youtube Bro-mon or Tiktok Bro-mon?
  • Youtube Bro-mon
  • Tiktok Bro-mon (Suggested by my friend @forbidden)
0 voters

Week 1 (28/5/2024)

Your favourite legendary Bro-mon!
  • Emoji Golem
  • Flappy Bird
  • Enchfrog
  • FirewallFenrir
  • Orbchrome
0 voters

Week 1 (29/5/2024)

Rate Emoji Golem Design!
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters

Week 1 (29/5/2024)

Best Foodie
  • Burger Turtle
  • Chickarange
  • Ratberry
  • Moolshake
  • S’morceror
  • Crumble Crunch
  • Jelly Egghead
  • Caffeinimator
  • Tea-tusk
  • CandyGolem
  • SushiSerpent
  • Avogator
  • Stegosnack
  • FrostyBuddy
  • CinnaBunny
  • Puddingslug
  • Bearoni
  • Taco-turtle
  • BrrrBlaze
0 voters

Week 1 (30/5/2024)

Doug or BrrBlaze?
  • Doug
  • BrrBlaze
0 voters

Week 1 (30/5/2024)

Rate Flappy Bird Bro-mon Design!
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters

Week 1 (30/5/2024)

Your Favourite Mythical Bro-mon!
  • Doug
  • BrrBlaze
  • Monster Catnap
  • Bro-mon
0 voters

Week 1 (30/5/2024)

Your Favourite Mythical Bro-mon! [FIXED]
  • Doug
  • BrrBlaze
  • Bro-mon
  • Catstrophe
  • Monster Catnap
0 voters

Week 1 (2/6/2024)

Best Cosmix Bro-mon!
  • DimenSpherr
  • CosmetiX
  • GalatiPanda
  • SunnyStarling
0 voters

Week 2 (3/6/2024)

Rate Orbchrome Design!
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
0 voters

Week 2 (5/6/2024)

Your Favourite New Bro-mon!
  • DimenSpherr
  • Fire Donut Ace
  • CometiX
  • TacoTurtle
  • StoxSpydr
0 voters

Week 2 (8/6/2024)

Which of these mythics do you have? (Multiple Choice)
  • Catstrophe
  • Doug
  • BrrBlaze
  • Bro-mon
  • Monster Catnap
0 voters

Week 3 (10/6/2024)

Do you like the Bro-mon Cursors?
  • Yes!! :smiley:
  • No :frowning:
0 voters

Week 3 (10/6/2024)

Do you like to mew? (slightly unrelated :moyai:)
  • Yes :sweat_smile:
  • No :-1:
0 voters

Week 1 (2/6/2024)
I 3D printed and painted my Bro-mon model!

Week 3 (11/6/2024)
There are 7 more new Bro-mons to discover!!

Week 1 (2/6/2024)
I added the “News” section, so this is no longer just a poll, but also a blog!

Week 1 (5/6/2024)
New Fan-art section for the blog!


Art by @Tr_n_Th_Huong

Art by @somebodyXDXD

Art by @TheBssimulator

Art by @Tr_n_Th_Huong

Art by @Tr_n_Th_Huong

Art by @Tr_n_Th_Huong

Art by @SophiaBeifong

Art by @SophiaBeifong

Art by @SophiaBeifong

Art by @SophiaBeifong

Art by @Tr_n_Th_Huong

Thank you for sticking around! I will be constantly updating this blog so stay in tune! Don’t forget to set your notification level to Watching
Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 12.22.33 PM
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Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 12.22.43 PM
And also Share this so other people know about this!
Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 12.22.48 PM
Hit the Vote button too!
Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 12.59.11 PM
So it becomes:
Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 12.59.36 PM

so fun

1 Like

@sweezy can you please pin this? Thanks!

1 Like

@cloud I have a question , how do I keep editing my topic , because I can only edit it twice and then it just show me any edits I did to it , so how

Why not, great poll btw, thank you for your efforts. Pinned this post for 2 weeks

1 Like

OMG Thank you so much!! :smiley:

1 Like

loved it

Thanks :smiley:

best of the west

To be honest flappy bird is my fav bro-mon not gonna lie it’s pretty cool and also good poll @cloud

Thank you :smiley:

this fire

Thank you :slight_smile:

hi ty

How to become bro mon master

You have to collect all the Bro-mon then message @sweezy :slight_smile:

1 Like

how about ugliest bro-mon?

Or help and gaving many ideas on the community

1 Like

Ok ty