VIP Bro-Mon Master Lounge


I join then (:<


oh yes

you raid?

with us like @AngelicWeapon and me

I was caught… by @Huntah but i’ll kill him

what do you mean?

uh hello

do you want to join the raid

with somebody else.

again what do you mean @AngelicWeapon

nah u cant flag me for no reason ull get banned hehehe

The sofa is comfortable, gonna eat some Burger-Turtles

ew no thank u

Actually, you can’t flag someone for no reason, it’s called a false report. But don’t worry, you won’t get in trouble :rofl:

hello freinds i shall name myself a bro mon master because i may not have a legendary but i have thy great epics and ive only been playing for a week so may i be allowed here??? if not sorry about posting guys…

it’s all good @caseoh_biggestfan
welcome to the chat

I’m not a bro-mon master but i’m getting there

is it enough to be a bro mon master if I have Doug?