Didn’t expect politics here
what drama has happened
I don’t even know myself
If the owner that doesn’t like this idea…You will be…“Unofficial A.R.B.A leaders as member”…I’m just wondering who actuallly accept this idea…
i think… the best option would be idk… i personally think, the leader must be capable and responsible. must be online to help out. not very unactive but still need some real life time yknow?a person who doesnt make rude jokes and feels like a big sibling not a rude jacked police officer.a person who doesnt vote for themselves, gives others chances to speak, not picking sides, tryna stop arguements, not forcing people to become what they arent, and being very nice and closing arguemnets. HAS TO SUPA KIND (this is all my personal thinking pls dont come at me :(( )
If she’s here she will be chosen
whos here?
Not saying
well i know its a she >:)
It doesn’t matter much
oh ok but are they arba?
sorry lol im kinda curios sometimes
possibilities if not arba : sorry i assume genders btw. annabelle, elizabeth, ratberry, bromonnoob, idk…
da rest of da ppl arent rlly online