Dude sorry Sweezy aint leader
And no, ur not
Get a brain pls I made the orginal arba DM
Bro. Are you ARBA? telling people to get brains? cmon
I hav a super computer in my head bro I hav no need for ur puny organic materials
Hi Loftwing
Can we Dm chat pls
Youre not the leader bro
THANK U! thanx
Oh btw check ur topic where u ask to ban someone
Sorry but heres the history of arba:
PARBA(pre anti rule breaking agency)Arba was called Gettingbanneddude protest to get him banned due to inappropriate content
The birth of arba:After getting banned dude was banned. Gettingbanneddude protest was renamed to arba
This is just the begining of the history. if you want more of the history beg for it
Go to the underworld kid
How can u be the leader scratch gamer if you only participate in ARBA when someone threatens ur power? We have had like 5 chains and you have not said anything until someone says you are not the leader. Make that make sense
U guys agree with me?
No i got to tell new abra agents the history and how it all started (I made the protest)
Ur very bad at lying
I was the founder cause i made the getting banned dude protest(Now old arba hq thats destroyed) And have made many arba hq areas.
Anyway none of us in ARBA claim ur leader its either Loftwing, The Bssimulator or 3o4z Pay attention bruv ur not leader anymore or never were
I was