Voting System Problem

Hello sweezy community! If you have been on here for a while you probably know what voting is and how it works. Well i just discovered you can only vote for a limited amount of things! And I hate it! I found so many cool ideas that i wanted to get added to the game and it just didn’t let me! And I also am one of those people who are ALWAYS putting out new bro-mon ideas (once i uploaded 6 in a day), and i think i should be able to vote for them!
Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 8.31.17 am
Credits to @SophiaBeifong for coming up with this first (which i didn’t actually realise sorry)

Yes I already said this before

oh ok sorry i’ll take this one down

it says i dont have permission to is it ok if i just give credit to your post?

it’s okay and ye you can just give it credit :slight_smile:

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ok thanks!

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