Bro, he is really mean to me, i have proof, he also in the chat said i was a girl and that i was a ugly as s, pls report him or suspend it
And also, in alt voter service topic he showed me the middle finger, suspend him
Bro, he is really mean to me, i have proof, he also in the chat said i was a girl and that i was a ugly as s, pls report him or suspend it
Yeah we should ban him.
And you even replied him in the miidle finger topic
Yea ikr the why I said ouch
That is kinda conflicting
We should do something
Dont you think i will denounce huh, i denounce and staff said there was no reason to get reported, but i send message to Swee<y, hope he realizes
Bro and see my chat
Which one?
Bro wat he just called u a girl
I know, that shy im angry
I didnt want to do this