What are these badges (purple cat) & (yellow star)



That’s a cat
Screenshot 2024-07-23 12.47.44 PM

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I know but why does Sweezy have it?

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@3o4z says star is for skill?

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idk what cat for

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idk what @sweezy’s one is btw

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But what’s the cat???

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:sob: :sob: :sob: But what’s the cat???

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I think :thinking: the cat :black_cat: mean @sweezy is admin :man_office_worker: and the star :star: on @3o4z and @Catstrophe is :relieved: greatest leader
I think :thinking: that and I don’t sure

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Star is for leader and @sweezy literally just wanted a cat for himself

ummm to put it simple sweezy said there flairs
cat is for admins to equip and star is for leaders to equip soo ummmm yeah

The cat is for admins and the star is for leaders


it’s okay, you can just advise in advising topics or creating your own advise topic

wut what huh

I just marked one of his comments off-topic because it was an advise but everything okay now

okai yeah we do not promote on sweezy

and me? :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying: