What do You Need to do to Get Leader? ⭐

i look the fair and title is arba

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and you have join here oct 30… maybe next month you can… leader?

Maybe, tysm

Bro, but some people are in arba like @Tutube and he is not a leader, and he has beben here since june

uhm…this hard…oh i know! tutube its just like a defender of this community, he is like criticizer right? maybe…

Ah yeah, Thats why

You will be a leader too

and if your bro mon added… maybe you can granted…

A yeah maybe

Im 1 vote away to be in the top 2 of the monster ideas

Well actually 2 votes

and sweezy will search new leader because cloud is go, so, for regular just wait!

Ok, which idea do you like to be added

Wait somebody voted for my idea

auroradragon (you)
burgerlar (@Henhenguy )
black cat (@Aaravdeep_Singh )

Oh my gosh, somebody voted and got into top 2!

Wait, you voted!

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guess who is that😃

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