What is the strongest and rarest bro-mon in the game?

Dude I got all epics yesterday!
Screenshot 2024-12-06 8.41.47 AM
Screenshot 2024-12-06 8.42.35 AM

that’s so cool dude!
I have wheely clicker and monster dog day
and I got my second mythical today

i am missing 4 bro mons to finish the game


i think the sweesians because it is the strongest on the high crush level chart



U don’t have the card lol

there is no best, they are all good, beside the fact that none of my bro mon are mythical lol

In game or idea?

game and idea

So you redownloaded it

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the first bro mon I encountered was catnap fr and i asked my friend if he was good bc he looked weak af :slight_smile:

the strongest common is crocky
u need a rare to beat it

n ninjamaki is a strong rare

I got colugo before I got Doug and colugo is the evolved version of Doug.CRAZY DOH

Is cuplain added?

you can beat a mythical with a common I did the math…

Sadly not yet :frowning: Just look at Cuplain complaining about why is the update so slow