Would you Rather

Hello welcome to the Would you Rather topic! I will try and post a new one every day :smiley:

  • Would you rather eat worms
  • or eat a spider
0 voters

Would you rather drink:

  • Pepsi
  • Cocacola
0 voters

I don’t like soda

  • Water
  • Soda(Any drink that like Pepsi,Cocacola,Mirinda…)
0 voters


  • Taking a cold shower in the cold
  • Take a hot bath in the heat
0 voters

  • Eat rotten cheese for 1 month
  • Eat what you hate most for 1 year
0 voters

  • Have supernatural strength
  • Have supernatural speed
0 voters
  • go to north korea
  • go to south korea
0 voters

this should be obvious :skull:

  • go to seoul ( a city in korea)
  • go to Incheon (a city in korea)
0 voters
  • Live forever (be immortal)
  • Stop living now
0 voters
  • Would you rather eat the same food for the rest of your life
  • eat only different foods (never have the same food twice)
0 voters
  • Would you rather take a pic with @sweezy
  • Take a group pic with all the other leaders apart from sweezy
0 voters
  • Would you rather have no arms
  • O have no legs?
0 voters

Who is the Goat?

  • Ronaldo
  • Messi
  • Both
0 voters
Would your rather be…
  • Most loyal guy in the world (but have no friends)
  • Have a lot of friends in all world (but none of them think you are loyal)
0 voters
Would you Rather
  • Meet your favorite character for 1 week
  • Have a bro-mon for 3 days
0 voters
Would you rather…
  • Be the smartest guy all world (but nobody trust in you)
  • Be the strongest guy all world (but everybody think you weak)
0 voters
Would you rather
  • Always smile even if you sad
  • Always cry even if you happy
0 voters


@SophiaBeifong :skull:
Screenshot 2024-08-28 4.49.00 PM


1 Like

why tho

Screenshot 2024-08-28 4.50.11 PM
lol look at this

yo just respect me im different