600+ Bro mon ideas

  • Chompie - Foodie - Common
  • Wifinder - Cyberrr - Common
  • Pirateye - Browsarrr - Common
  • Flamegrill - Foodie - Rare
  • Techmancer - Cyberrr - Rare
  • SeaRover - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Noodleknight - Foodie - Epic
  • Cryptohawk - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Shipwrecka - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Baconator - Foodie - Common
  • Webcrawler - Cyberrr - Common
  • Seabeard - Browsarrr - Common
  • Spicymeat - Foodie - Rare
  • Bytebeast - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Treasuremaw - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cheeselord - Foodie - Epic
  • Hackerjack - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Goldhoard - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Sushishred - Foodie - Common
  • Datawhizz - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavecrash - Browsarrr - Common
  • Burgerbrute - Foodie - Rare
  • Firewire - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Deckswabber - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Pizzaprince - Foodie - Epic
  • Virusbane - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Captainhook - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Pastryking - Foodie - Common
  • Nanoninja - Cyberrr - Common
  • Anchorarm - Browsarrr - Common
  • Wokwizard - Foodie - Rare
  • Cyberseer - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Cannonblast - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Gourmetgiant - Foodie - Epic
  • Bitstorm - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Plunderpirate - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Tacosaurus - Foodie - Common
  • Spamzapper - Cyberrr - Common
  • Parrotprince - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillmaster - Foodie - Rare
  • Electrosage - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Bootybuster - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cupcakeclash - Foodie - Epic
  • Glitchgremlin - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Skullcaptain - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Sizzlesamurai - Foodie - Common
  • Codecheetah - Cyberrr - Common
  • Riptide - Browsarrr - Common
  • Chowchamp - Foodie - Rare
  • Quantumquill - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Mapmaster - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Feastbeast - Foodie - Epic
  • Techtyrant - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Maroonedmarauder - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Fryfighter - Foodie - Common
  • Datasphere - Cyberrr - Common
  • Seafury - Browsarrr - Common
  • Munchmonster - Foodie - Rare
  • Circuitserpent - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Corsairking - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Bananabrut - Foodie - Epic
  • Digiwizard - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Plankplunder - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Chiliwarrior - Foodie - Common
  • Hackhound - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewraith - Browsarrr - Common
  • Cakemage - Foodie - Rare
  • Cybercyclone - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Lootlord - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Muffinmauler - Foodie - Epic
  • Netphantom - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Keelhauler - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Pizzaslayer - Foodie - Common
  • Crypticcat - Cyberrr - Common
  • Saltshaker - Browsarrr - Common
  • BBQbrute - Foodie - Rare
  • Microphantom - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tidalwave - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cinnamoncyclone - Foodie - Epic
  • Firewallfox - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Scurvysail - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Wrapwarrior - Foodie - Common
  • Packetpirate - Cyberrr - Common
  • Coralclash - Browsarrr - Common
  • Doughdominator - Foodie - Rare
  • Bitbandit - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Stormsailor - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Donutduke - Foodie - Epic
  • Virusviper - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Blackbeard - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Burgerboss - Foodie - Common
  • Codecommander - Cyberrr - Common
  • Roguewave - Browsarrr - Common
  • Fudgefury - Foodie - Rare
  • Dataspectre - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Deckdestroyer - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cheesemaster - Foodie - Epic
  • Netninja - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Buccaneerbro - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Sushislicer - Foodie - Common
  • Trojan - Cyberrr - Common
  • Jollyroger - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillguard - Foodie - Rare
  • Electroengineer - Cyberrr - Rare
  • SeaScourge - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Pastrypredator - Foodie - Epic
  • Bytebrawler - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Plunderpike - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Syrupslayer - Foodie - Common
  • Firewallfalcon - Cyberrr - Common
  • Shipshape - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillgeneral - Foodie - Rare
  • Cybercaptain - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tidebreaker - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Donutdestroyer - Foodie - Epic
  • Virusvanguard - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Skullseeker - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Tortillawarrior - Foodie - Common
  • Crypticsnake - Cyberrr - Common
  • Anchorace - Browsarrr - Common
  • Sizzlesoldier - Foodie - Rare
  • Quantumquicksilver - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Coralcrunch - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Chowchampion - Foodie - Epic
  • Bitbarricade - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Seashark - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Fryfiend - Foodie - Common
  • Netnightmare - Cyberrr - Common
  • Sailstorm - Browsarrr - Common
  • Munchmaster - Foodie - Rare
  • Codelord - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Wavereaper - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Gourmetgladiator - Foodie - Epic
  • Datasentinel - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Plankpunisher - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Grillslayer - Foodie - Common
  • Cybercerberus - Cyberrr - Common
  • Corsaircommander - Browsarrr - Common
  • Chillconqueror - Foodie - Rare
  • Microchief - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Deckdemolisher - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Feastflame - Foodie - Epic
  • Netwarlock - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Captaincutlass - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Baconbandit - Foodie - Common
  • Bytebeastmaster - Cyberrr - Common
  • Treasurethief - Browsarrr - Common
  • Fryforger - Foodie - Rare
  • Electroexecutor - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tideraider - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cakemarauder - Foodie - Epic
  • Hackhero - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Goldgalleon - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Sushishadow - Foodie - Common
  • Spamshark - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewhisperer - Browsarrr - Common
  • Doughdominator - Foodie - Rare
  • Bitbattalion - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Stormsmasher - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Pastryplunderer - Foodie - Epic
  • Virusvanquisher - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Blackflag - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Noodleninja - Foodie - Common
  • Trojanterror - Cyberrr - Common
  • Piratephantom - Browsarrr - Common
  • Burgerbrawler - Foodie - Rare
  • Cybercyclops - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Seaavenger - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cupcakecrusher - Foodie - Epic
  • Datadominator - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Keelhunter - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Chompkiller - Foodie - Common
  • Firewallfeline - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewrecker - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillguardian - Foodie - Rare
  • Crypticknight - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tidalcrusher - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Muffinmancer - Foodie - Epic
  • Quantumquasar - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Skullduke - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Fryfighter - Foodie - Common
  • Bitbeast - Cyberrr - Common
  • Shipshatter - Browsarrr - Common
  • Chowcommander - Foodie - Rare
  • Netninja - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Anchorassassin - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Grillgoliath - Foodie - Epic
  • Spamspider - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Treasuretrapper - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Cheesetyrant - Foodie - Common
  • Virusviper - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewarlock - Browsarrr - Common
  • Spicyserpent - Foodie - Rare
  • Micromaestro - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Deckdestroyer - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Baconbruiser - Foodie - Epic
  • Techtracker - Cyberrr - Epic
  • SeaSpecter - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Pizzapirate - Foodie - Common
  • Datafiend - Cyberrr - Common
  • Coralcrusher - Browsarrr - Common
  • BBQbruiser - Foodie - Rare
  • Codelord - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tideslayer - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Doughdominator - Foodie - Epic
  • Netnemesis - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Captaincutter - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Sushislicer - Foodie - Common
  • Bitbehemoth - Cyberrr - Common
  • Anchorarm - Browsarrr - Common
  • Fudgewraith - Foodie - Rare
  • Dataduke - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Waverider - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Grillgiant - Foodie - Epic
  • Quantumquicksilver - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Skullking - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Wrapwarrior - Foodie - Common
  • Cryptocrusher - Cyberrr - Common
  • Pirateprowler - Browsarrr - Common
  • Sizzleshield - Foodie - Rare
  • Techtyrant - Cyberrr - Rare
  • SeaStalker - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cakemaster - Foodie - Epic
  • Virusvenom - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Plunderphantom - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Noodlenovice - Foodie - Common
  • Cybercyclone - Cyberrr - Common
  • Sailstorm - Browsarrr - Common
  • Munchmauler - Foodie - Rare
  • Bitbarricade - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Deckdread - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Gourmetguardian - Foodie - Epic
  • Spamserpent - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Goldguardian - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Fryfiend - Foodie - Common
  • Firewallfiend - Cyberrr - Common
  • Shipshadow - Browsarrr - Common
  • Burgerbattler - Foodie - Rare
  • Quantumquicksilver - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Seasentinel - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cakemancer - Foodie - Epic
  • Techtrapper - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Corsairchampion - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Sushishredder - Foodie - Common
  • Datadestroyer - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewarrior - Browsarrr - Common
  • Noodlenomad - Foodie - Rare
  • Virusvanquisher - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Piratephantom - Browsarrr - Rare
  • BBQbaron - Foodie - Epic
  • Bitblaster - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Skullcrusher - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Tortillatycoon - Foodie - Common
  • Crypticcrusader - Cyberrr - Common
  • Anchorace - Browsarrr - Common
  • Fudgemonster - Foodie - Rare
  • Spamshark - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tidebringer - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Pizzaprince - Foodie - Epic
  • Codelord - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Wavereaper - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Burgerboss - Foodie - Common
  • Bitbattler - Cyberrr - Common
  • Pirateprowler - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillgeneral - Foodie - Rare
  • Netninja - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Seascourge - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Chowchamp - Foodie - Epic
  • Virusviper - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Plunderpirate - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Pastrypredator - Foodie - Common
  • Firewallfeline - Cyberrr - Common
  • Waverider - Browsarrr - Common
  • Cupcakecrusher - Foodie - Rare
  • Bitbandit - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tidalwave - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Donutduke - Foodie - Epic
  • Crypticknight - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Skullcaptain - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Wrapwarrior - Foodie - Common
  • Cybercyclops - Cyberrr - Common
  • Seafury - Browsarrr - Common
  • Munchmonster - Foodie - Rare
  • Trojanterror - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Corsaircommander - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Feastflame - Foodie - Epic
  • Datadominator - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Deckdemolisher - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Grillguardian - Foodie - Common
  • Techtracker - Cyberrr - Common
  • Shipshape - Browsarrr - Common
  • Cheesetyrant - Foodie - Rare
  • Quantumquill - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Wavewrecker - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Grillgoliath - Foodie - Epic
  • Bitbarricade - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Treasuretrapper - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Baconbandit - Foodie - Common
  • Netnemesis - Cyberrr - Common
  • Seashark - Browsarrr - Common
  • Wafflwarrior - Foodie - Common
  • Datahound - Cyberrr - Common
  • Coralcruncher - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillghoul - Foodie - Rare
  • Quantumquasar - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Anchoraristocrat - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Pastryprowler - Foodie - Epic
  • Virusvanguard - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Plankpirate - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Tacoslasher - Foodie - Common
  • Firewallfox - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewhisper - Browsarrr - Common
  • Burgerbrute - Foodie - Rare
  • Codelord - Cyberrr - Rare
  • SeaSpecter - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cupcakecrusher - Foodie - Epic
  • Bitbrawler - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Goldguardian - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Sushislasher - Foodie - Common
  • Techtyrant - Cyberrr - Common
  • Piratephantom - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillgoblin - Foodie - Rare
  • Micromarauder - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tidebringer - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Donutdominator - Foodie - Epic
  • Spamserpent - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Captaincutlass - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Baconbeast - Foodie - Common
  • Datawhizz - Cyberrr - Common
  • Coralcrunch - Browsarrr - Common
  • Fryfighter - Foodie - Rare
  • Electroengineer - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Deckdestroyer - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Chowchampion - Foodie - Epic
  • Netninja - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Seascourge - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Noodleninja - Foodie - Common
  • Firewallfeline - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewraith - Browsarrr - Common
  • Sizzleshaman - Foodie - Rare
  • Cryptocrypt - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tidalcrusher - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Gourmetgiant - Foodie - Epic
  • Bitbandit - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Piratephantom - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Cheeselord - Foodie - Common
  • Virusviper - Cyberrr - Common
  • Anchorace - Browsarrr - Common
  • Muffinmauler - Foodie - Rare
  • Techtracker - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Shipshape - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Pizzapirate - Foodie - Epic
  • Codelord - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Wavewrecker - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Burgerboss - Foodie - Common
  • Bitbehemoth - Cyberrr - Common
  • Seafury - Browsarrr - Common
  • Fudgefighter - Foodie - Rare
  • Spamspider - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tideslayer - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Cupcakechampion - Foodie - Epic
  • Datadominator - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Corsairchampion - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Wokwarrior - Foodie - Common
  • Quantumquicksilver - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewarrior - Browsarrr - Common
  • Noodlemaster - Foodie - Rare
  • Bitblaster - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Pirateprowler - Browsarrr - Rare
  • BBQbaron - Foodie - Epic
  • Crypticknight - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Goldgalleon - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Wrapwarrior - Foodie - Common
  • Techtrapper - Cyberrr - Common
  • Coralcrusher - Browsarrr - Common
  • Sizzleshredder - Foodie - Rare
  • Firewallfalcon - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Deckdread - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Doughdominator - Foodie - Epic
  • Spamshark - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Plunderpirate - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Burgerbruiser - Foodie - Common
  • Bitbarricade - Cyberrr - Common
  • Wavewhisperer - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillguardian - Foodie - Rare
  • Virusvanquisher - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Tidecrusher - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Chompkiller - Foodie - Epic
  • Techtyrant - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Seashark - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Baconbrawler - Foodie - Common
  • Datafiend - Cyberrr - Common
  • Piratephantom - Browsarrr - Common
  • Grillgeneral - Foodie - Rare
  • Quantumquasar - Cyberrr - Rare
  • Anchoraristocrat - Browsarrr - Rare
  • Pastryprowler - Foodie - Epic
  • Bitbeast - Cyberrr - Epic
  • Goldguardian - Browsarrr - Epic
  • Sushislasher - Foodie - Common
    PastaKnight - Foodie - Common
    SoupSlayer - Foodie - Rare
    BaguetteBeast - Foodie - Epic
    DonutDynamo - Foodie - Legendary
    MochiMage* - Foodie - Mythic
  • CookieKnight - Foodie - Common
  • FryFighter - Foodie - Rare
  • BerryBeast - Foodie - Epic
  • PancakePaladin - Foodie - Legendary
  • BagelBaron - Foodie - Mythic
  • SalsaSamurai - Foodie - Common
  • ToastTitan - Foodie - Rare
  • ChiliChampion - Foodie - Epic
  • PepperPrince - Foodie - Legendary
  • FondueFiend - Foodie - Mythic
  • FritterFiend - Foodie - Common
  • BurritoBrute - Foodie - Rare
  • SauceSavior - Foodie - Epic
  • GumboGuardian - Foodie - Legendary
  • StrudelSovereign - Foodie - Mythic
  • PitaProtector - Foodie - Common
  • GelatoGiant - Foodie - Rare
  • MeatballMonarch - Foodie - Epic
  • SconeSentinel - Foodie - Legendary
  • LobsterLord - Foodie - Mythic
  • TacoTerror - Foodie - Common
  • OliveOverlord - Foodie - Rare
  • SkewerSage - Foodie - Epic
  • MuffinMarauder - Foodie - Legendary
  • KabobKing - Foodie - Mythic
  • CodeCobra - Cyberrr - Common
  • GlitchGhoul - Cyberrr - Rare
  • MatrixMarauder - Cyberrr - Epic
  • AlgorithmAce - Cyberrr - Legendary
  • NanoNinja - Cyberrr - Mythic
  • CircuitSentry - Cyberrr - Common
  • DataDragon - Cyberrr - Rare
  • FirewallFury - Cyberrr - Epic
  • MalwareMarauder - Cyberrr - Legendary
  • QuantumQuake - Cyberrr - Mythic
  • ByteBandit - Cyberrr - Common
  • TrojanTiger - Cyberrr - Rare
  • VirusVortex - Cyberrr - Epic
  • DebugDuke - Cyberrr - Legendary
  • ProxyPhantom - Cyberrr - Mythic
  • HackHawk - Cyberrr - Common
  • NetNinja - Cyberrr - Rare
  • SpamSlicer - Cyberrr - Epic
  • TrojanTempest - Cyberrr - Legendary
  • QuantumQuester - Cyberrr - Mythic
  • CircuitCentaur - Cyberrr - Common
  • CryptoCrusher - Cyberrr - Rare
  • FirewallFalcon - Cyberrr - Epic
  • MalwareMaster - Cyberrr - Legendary
  • BitBerserker - Cyberrr - Mythic
  • PirateProwler - Browsarrr - Common
  • AnchorAssassin - Browsarrr - Rare
  • DeckDominator - Browsarrr - Epic
  • SeaSpecter - Browsarrr - Legendary
  • PlunderPhantom - Browsarrr - Mythic
  • CannonCrusader - Browsarrr - Common
  • TideTitan - Browsarrr - Rare
  • WaveWarrior - Browsarrr - Epic
  • MaroonMarauder - Browsarrr - Legendary
  • BuccaneerBeast - Browsarrr - Mythic
  • AnchorAvenger - Browsarrr - Common
  • TreasureTyrant - Browsarrr - Rare
  • SkullSmasher - Browsarrr - Epic
  • DeckDefender - Browsarrr - Legendary
  • PiratePrince - Browsarrr - Mythic
  • CorsairChampion - Browsarrr - Common
  • RiptideRaider - Browsarrr - Rare
  • StormSailor - Browsarrr - Epic
  • WaveWarden - Browsarrr - Legendary
  • SeaSerpent - Browsarrr - Mythic
  • ShipShifter - Browsarrr - Common
  • PlankPlunderer - Browsarrr - Rare
  • KeelKiller - Browsarrr - Epic
  • TideTracker - Browsarrr - Legendary
  • NauticalNoble - Browsarrr - Mythic
  • FameFalcon - FanFave - Common
  • TrendTide - FanFave - Rare
  • BuzzBandit - FanFave - Epic
  • StarSensation - FanFave - Legendary
  • ViralVanguard - FanFave - Mythic
  • IconIdol - FanFave - Common
  • PopPhenomenon - FanFave - Rare
  • LikeLion - FanFave - Epic
  • HypeHero - FanFave - Legendary
  • SocialSamurai - FanFave - Mythic
  • TrendTiger - FanFave - Common
  • ViralViper - FanFave - Rare
  • FollowerFiend - FanFave - Epic
  • InfluencerImp - FanFave - Legendary
  • MediaMarauder - FanFave - Mythic
  • ShareSage - FanFave - Common
  • SubscribeSerpent - FanFave - Rare
  • PostPaladin - FanFave - Epic
  • MemeMaster - FanFave - Legendary
  • BuzzBringer - FanFave - Mythic
  • LeafLion - Wildify - Common
  • RockRhino - Wildify - Rare
  • BlazeBear - Wildify - Epic
  • StormStag - Wildify - Legendary
  • NatureNemesis - Wildify - Mythic
  • BeastBison - Wildify - Common
  • ThunderTiger - Wildify - Rare
  • FrostFalcon - Wildify - Epic
  • EarthElephant - Wildify - Legendary
  • ForestFury - Wildify - Mythic
  • JungleJaguar - Wildify - Common
  • CanyonCoyote - Wildify - Rare
  • SwampSnake - Wildify - Epic
  • DesertDragon - Wildify - Legendary
  • GlacierGorilla - Wildify - Mythic
  • RainforestRaptor - Wildify - Common
  • TundraTurtle - Wildify - Rare
  • VolcanicViper - Wildify - Epic
  • OceanOrca - Wildify - Legendary
  • SavannahScorpion - Wildify - Mythic
  • StarSerpent - Cosmix - Common
  • MoonMarauder - Cosmix - Rare
  • GalacticGorilla - Cosmix - Epic
  • CometCrusader - Cosmix - Legendary
  • NebulaNinja - Cosmix - Mythic
  • AstroAssassin - Cosmix - Common
  • SolarSphinx - Cosmix - Rare
  • CelestialChampion - Cosmix - Epic
  • LunarLion - Cosmix - Legendary
  • CosmicConqueror - Cosmix - Mythic
  • NebulaKnight - Cosmix - Common
  • Starstriker - Cosmix - Rare
  • PlanetProwler - Cosmix - Epic
  • MeteorMammoth - Cosmix - Legendary
  • SpaceSpecter - Cosmix - Mythic
  • GalaxyGiant - Cosmix - Common
  • VoidViper - Cosmix - Rare
  • StellarSage - Cosmix - Epic
  • CometChaser - Cosmix - Legendary
  • CelestialCyclone - Cosmix - Rare
  • LinkLion - Webby - Common
  • SpiderSentinel - Webby - Rare
  • NetNinja - Webby - Epic
  • CodeCrusher - Webby - Legendary
  • HyperHawk - Webby - Mythic
  • BrowserBeast - Webby - Common
  • WebWizard - Webby - Rare
  • DataDemon - Webby - Epic
  • ByteBeast - Webby - Legendary
  • CyberCerberus - Webby - Mythic
  • NetworkNoble - Webby - Common
  • HyperHound - Webby - Rare
  • CodeCatcher - Webby - Epic
  • WebWarden - Webby - Legendary
  • SpiderSage - Webby - Mythic
  • NetKnight - Webby - Common
  • LinkLeaper - Webby - Rare
  • HyperHero - Webby - Epic
  • WebWarrior - Webby - Legendary
  • ByteBandit - Webby - Mythic
  • ArtAttack - Aesthetix - Common
  • DesignDiva - Aesthetix - Rare
  • ColorCrusader - Aesthetix - Epic
  • PatternPrince - Aesthetix - Legendary
  • PixelProdigy - Aesthetix - Mythic
  • GraffitiGargoyle - Aesthetix - Common
  • SketchSphinx - Aesthetix - Rare
  • DoodleDragon - Aesthetix - Epic
  • CanvasChimera - Aesthetix - Legendary
  • PixelPhoenix - Aesthetix - Mythic
  • PaintPaladin - Aesthetix - Common
  • StencilSage - Aesthetix - Rare
  • HueHawk - Aesthetix - Epic
  • ToneTitan - Aesthetix - Legendary
  • SpectrumSphinx - Aesthetix - Mythic
  • BrushBeast - Aesthetix - Common
  • FrameFalcon - Aesthetix - Rare
  • GraphicGuardian - Aesthetix - Epic
  • PalettePrince - Aesthetix - Legendary
  • ShadeSamurai - Aesthetix - Mythic


1 Like

man, not exist water, flame etc, and have rarytis(common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary and mythical)


i am out of daily replies. if you guys have any questions text me in dc my user is baconsaregood.

why is this giving me pokemon vibes?

Hey! Amazing ideas you shared here, @baconsaregood !

Tip. Bro-mon isn’t like pokémon, with their type as fire, earth, water… They are different, like Foodie, Browsarrr, Cyberrr…
And also they need their rarity



great idea but added raritys like @SophiaBeifong said but I love this idea!



why is every single bromon just a compound word and where is the catchphrase and description. i reccomend you pick out a few ideas out and work on them to make them better instead of putting in 600+ bromon ideas and not giving enough detail about them. Good ideas though (:smile:

Record for longest ideas I’ll like it