A bro-mon basement!

A website where you could see your bromons playing together!

Yoooo that would be so cool!

We already have a website, there will be something fun here in the future. We just need time to develop it.

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this happens to me when i try toget on


Just wanted to let you know that the website issue is sorted, and everything should be working fine now. Give it another go and hit me up if there’s still any trouble.

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ok thank you

ck question how did u come up with bro mons desing

Can’t we have a website where you could see the bro-mons PLAYING togethr?

I love getting creative, and this project gives my team and me tons of opportunities to come up with cool stuff and characters. We have a creative designer who has really put her heart into bringing these designs and animations to life. Actually, there are two designers now—our newest member is just as excited to dive into developing Bro-Mons.

In the beginning, I was brainstorming funky combos for our little monsters, and our designer helped bring them to life. Now, we let our designers run wild with their own ideas too. But we’ve also got you guys, the Bro-Mon squad, flooding us with awesome suggestions for new monsters, and we’re all for it—drawing and animating them with joy. So this creative spark has ignited a sort of organized chaos in our Bro-Mon game that we’re all thriving in!

We actually already have a Bro-Mon website, and we’re planning to turn it into just the platform you’re describing—a place for more interaction with the Bro-Mons. However, we’ll need some time to make this a reality in a quality way. Hang tight, it’s going to be awesome!

WOW thanks

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