Oh so yet I don’t want to share but I don’t want to be a fish so these are some tips that I found during exploring the community. I will try to explore more to share to you guys
Because…“Knowledge is always created by Experience” -My brain
And probably there’s many people that knew already so it’s useless. But anyway here are them:
1. Did you know that you can know who's online right now?
By using the chat, you can know who’s online by seeing their avatar(Profile picture, pfp). If theirs has a green circle around then the user is probably online right now, and also maybe afk. Here’s what look like:
Or this one:
But the limit is that it only works in chat, you can’t see it if the user isn’t on chat. So we come to next way to see
So if the green circle has limit, then this one maybe doesn’t
Ok so have you ever click on a user’s profile? Yes? Wow that’s cool Detective! Then maybe you also knew this! By clicking on a user’s profile. You can see something like this:
Mostly all of you know what do the “Joined” and “View” do already so let’s explain the couple between them
“Last Post”: This will show when was the last post that this user posted. In example, my last post was from 45 mins ago then it will show as “45 mins” like the picture
“Seen” This is the thing I’m talking about, this will show when was this user last seen. Now we are entering it! If it shows as “Just now” in the “Seen”. The user is online right now! But if the user just quit for some seconds then this won’t work, that’s the limit So if you don’t understand, here’s a picture
2. You can get gif from bro-mons!
So how to do it? Well, here’s the code if you need:
Remember to replace the word “Krursor” with name of bro-mon that you want to see it in gif. And yet, each bro-mon’s gif may has different way to type so just ask anything you wonder and I’ll try to answer
So by using that same code or whatever you call it. You can see all the bro-mons!
Note: I don’t recommend you to do this because if you do that the game will lose the fun of it. Remember that I warned you.
You only need to type the monster’s name and now you got the appearance of it
But you need to know the name of the monster! How to find it? I won’t share currently because I want to keep the fun of the game so find it yourself