A new Bro-Mon idea (pls vote)

Name: Crustationery (it’s a crab)
Type: Oddballz
Rarity: Uncommon or rare idk
Catch Phrase: “Back to school!”
Description: Deep under the sea, in an enchanted trench, Crustationery scuttles on the seabed. (I have run dry of inspiration to write more of the description. I’ll finish it later)

(Idle): Mechanical pencil sharpener body complete with bended ruler legs and a stapler for the claw on its left side, but scissors for the right. Two pens on its top with goofy googly eyes stuck on (not on the top).
Walking: A trail of eraser dust left behind
Battle: Its eyes turn angry and it snipping its left claw (the scissors one).


Why Why? I think its a good Idea! (Is the Crusty part based on Crusty Crabs or no?

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yeah its also a pun on Crustacean
