About the Bug Busters category

Encountered a bug? Help us by reporting it here.

For effective troubleshooting, please include details like:

  • the bug’s behavior,
  • how to reproduce it,
  • and screenshots if possible.

Together, we can ensure a smoother experience for all players.

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3 of my bros were invis and impossible to tap but I saw their speech bubles

it happens 12 more times’

In the home page, it says “Wolrd” not World.

hi,i am new in the seewzy cumunity

HI Sweezy! I haven’t actually encountered this bug myself, but I recently introduced bro-mon to 3 of my friends and two of them defeated monster dog-day but it didn’t go into their storage even when they pressed capture. They also started playing very recently, so it might have been due to an update glitch? I also thought you would like to know that they have caught many other bro-mon and only had this experience with monster dog-day. I do have monster dog-day and this didn’t happen to me but I just wanted to let you know that there might be a glitch in the code for monster dog-day.

What happened???

Happened to my friend too

in the new update bro-mon are invisible, im not getting anything for hours, and they arent rendering on the extension tab

yeah I know right?

So this is the thing

So I restart it and I have the bro-mon mychical because the glitch of bro-mons not showing up

and now I’m sad because it still does not work and my mychical bro-mon is gone :frowning:

Hello, I have had bro mon for a long time and until then everything worked fine. But after the most recent update, everything on my bro mon is invisible. when I want to see the bro mon that I caught I can’t. Plus bro mon just has not been appearing for me I hope this bug can be fixed. Some of my friends also have this bug.

guys I need help
my bro mon battle page is not loading. It just shows a black screen when I click on the bro mon. Anyone have the solution?
Btw I just downloaded bromon

U could delete it and add it again

hi the bro Mons disapire after 1 sec it did not go off the screen at all

I have a problem I lost all my bromon when I shut down my laptop

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could you have swapped browsers or accounts?

I hate this glitch plz fix it right away

Dying on 1 HP!!!

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: