About the New Monster Ideas category

It mean it will be added

Lah gitu goblok


Iya iya maap

Aku juga minta maap

BRO MON Gojo idea time - #7 by GIABAO here it is

Tapi kamu gak salah sih, aku emang sus

Oh, let me look

Honestly, I had all lenge mon:)

Bro is Gordon Ramsay

The translation of “Konyol lu babi” into English is:

“You’re ridiculous, pig.”

(Note: “babi” literally means “pig” in Indonesian and can be used as a casual or offensive term, depending on the context.)

The translation of “Tapi kamu gak salah sih, aku emang” into English is:

“But you’re not wrong, I really am.”

(The sentence seems incomplete, so the meaning might depend on what comes next.)


Its common on Indonesia

You dont understand Indonesia perfectly

No one asked it

And that was AI

This one is probably AI

Nope wrong minded big bro

Name: Punchbot
Idea: The Tung Anh NGUYEN
Crush: Mithycal (I hope)
Description: 2 arm’ 2 big fist,head is fist, the rest is like a normal robot