A bro Mon that looks like gear 5 Lufy.
Type:Fan fav
Name:Gear 5 Lufy
How about a galaxy bromon like galacti panda
Hey there,
I gave the idea SpectrOrb to my friend.
He got into galactichat.
I have a new idea.
name: Sherlock Hommes.
Crush filter: epic
description: I’ll trap you and satisfy your mysteries! a Sherlock holmes house that looks for solving mysteries. A quizzical buddy!
Design: I’m bad at this. You make one, as long as he is a house with magnifying glass and cool hat.
not a designer bro mon made my design
can you tell bromon to?
HOW DO U CHAT? Please reply.
so you just go to the person’s profile. then click on it. It should appear with two choices: chat and message. The other thing you can do is click reply at the bottom of a chat.
Hey Sweezy!
I LOVE your game, and I want to add to it.
Name: The Galacticans
Rarity: Mythical
Description: The cousins of The Sweezians, this bro mon roams the web. Their motto is Together We Roam.
Type: Webby
i didn’t ask them you just do it
Ok, so I was thinking, how abt Pandamelon? A Panda mixed with a watermelon! I think it could be uncommon or legendary because it doesn’t sound mythical. And maybe it could look like this:
Foodie type pls
Quote: Sweetness & Bamboo!
what about an emoji type
Thats so cute
Very cool!It named Pandamelon?Kinda long…What about a shorter name?Like PanMelon?It just the same…but this idea is cool!The crush(llevel or rarity) should be Rare or Uncommon
Yeah but panmelon kinda sounds like a pan, mixed with a melon, no offense
And yes. I also think Pandamelon should be a rare, or uncommon, or epic. Not a legendary, mythical, or common though