About the The Wild Zone category

Got something to say but can’t find the right category? No worries, this is the place for you!

The land of misfit topics :crazy_face:, the forum category where even the weirdest ideas have a home :house:. So come on in and share your unique and offbeat thoughts with us :speaking_head:, because let’s face it, being normal is overrated anyway :upside_down_face:.

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ANKLES :skull: #shorts
YouTube · House of Highlights
11.5M+ views · 1 year ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSA7MOtWe5Q)

watch pls it funny

How does the mind remember that it forgot something it cant remember

GURL SLAYY :nail_care:t2::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ribbon::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles: ( im not insane)




everyone being sassy :skull: :skull: :skull:
