Add new types of bro mons

for exemple: water, fire, etc elementals


About this idea: However, the game would be very similar to Pokémon, the ideas of fire and water unfortunately do not match the game and the main idea of ​​Bro-mon, where the principle is to be more focused on fun and different and fun types, so types like those of pokemon would look very identical and would take one of the main ideas from bro-mon.

But I also agree with you on the idea of ​​new types, some bro-mon don’t match or combine with their types, for example: GalactiPanda was Wildfy, but after the addition of the Cosmetix type it had a much more coherent typing, without a doubt it must have more bro-mon with the same event. A greater diversity of types would be cool to be added over time, as bro-mons are added.
