Age limit is too high

i know there are a lot of people below the age of 13, and i think it has to be changed
maybe down to 10?

why are you to young

im 15
i just want to make the community fair cus 13 is kind of high

:skull: im 18 i have a little kid on here

that’s cap

you do not have a kid

1 Like
  1. first of all

a 18 yr old should not act like this

  1. your YouTube channel is cringe

a 18 yr old should not act SO cringe

1 Like

They not following the TOS

they get banned SIMPLE

+ Yeah… uhh


15+ WHAT T-thats outRAGUEOS

hel nah i do not have a kid i am saying that on sweezy there are little kids


  1. first of all

a 18 yr old should not act like this

  1. your YouTube channel is cringe

a 18 yr old should not act SO cringe

that because of the situations-

we have been having

There are blanks for uhhh yk why

But we didn’t do anything bad besides the war

That is true facts

yk hatred
the gettingbanneddude
yea those people are causing that


Tentacle P**n

and racial slurs are causing this

Oh I remember

