Ain't Now Way!?

Am I first All Time on The Users Sec.
Well Uh I dunno what to say

Congrats! You are leading the “received likes” category

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Nice! I knew you would overpass me since you’re a tad bit more active than me.

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yeah I barely sleep :flushed: :moyai:

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hehe same I don’t have school so I do dumb things with friends at like 3 AM lol

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and f my college :sob:

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they bluked sweezy C.

It’s like 57 Fahrenheit idk why I’m using Fahrenheit lol

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azerbaijan used Fahrenheit till March 2024 lol

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dang I use Celsius but after like a couple years of confusion in America I started not using it

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its 26 C finally the torture is over

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or for Fahrenheit 79 F still remember :wink:

13 Celsius

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What are u talking about the weather or user board

its normal its 79 F in Fahrenheit

HELP me take over him >:D