Badge Idea's for sweezy

  1. sweezy badge given to the one and only sweey
  2. bug badges: First Bug Report (has to be a real bug) Bugger 10th Bug report: Bug Hunter!
    100th Bug Report: Bug Enthusiast
  3. contributer a person who has contributed to the extension/game/browser in anyway that has successfully impacted the community or code or whatever
  4. W-w-what! having 24h of read time
  5. Staff to identify staff
  6. OG badges awarded to people who were here before it may blow up.
  7. Content Creator
  8. Artist (has created either a custom cursor, custom doodle, or bro-mon that was either added to the game or inspired from)
  9. Artfull has had multiple artworks added or inspired from into the extensions
  10. Bro Mon Fanboy a person who has achieved all bro mons
    @sweezy (more will be added later)

I think this is every cool :3

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Wow, thanks for these awesome ideas! I really like them. I’ll look into how we can properly set this up so that the badges are awarded automatically (if that option is available).

I’ve also created the Bro-Mon Master badge and have already awarded it to active Bro-mon users, including you, @kaiser.
By the way, there’s another cool feature: some badges can be pinned as your title, which is pretty neat!