Battle of the Dragons: Who Wins? πŸ²πŸ†šπŸ²

thanks sweezy

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hi! you cant view my mesage pls

wow that’s pretty descriptive I think you need some detail so it is known what you are trying to convey

one mesage
he is not reply

what is the message about?

β€˜you are creator of bro mons??’
β€˜If so, can you add my balloon dragonfly?’


just me being my self I see in your bio you said β€œcaos” and dont hate me for this it just makes me mad, its spelled β€˜chaos’

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kkk yes, i am brazilian, and here it is said like this, but I promise I will fix it lol

ok thanks


plzzzzzz chek tuber I’ve been waiting for like 10 days


:jar: :cat2:

I think this dont nice
Doug’s Health: yeah

doug solos because who is stronger main character or cousin

kinda like my cat but my cat is the chunky master

Can you also check my bro mon, the warrior cats one?

I’m sure he’s already see. It
