Battle of the Dragons: Who Wins? ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿ†š๐Ÿฒ

Who do you think should win?
  • Doug
  • BrrrBlaze
0 voters

well if u own Doug and use him a lot and brrblaze doesnโ€™t get to spin the wheel then ye Doug gonna win

I love Doug

Doug solos :woman_fairy: :dragon_face:

  • Battle investigation: Log 1 -
    Across the browsers, serveral instances of these fights seem to be happening throughout the web, we have identified these encounters as โ€œChillysparkโ€ which cause massive devastation in a radius of atleast 500m from the area-

Radio cuts



Doug better

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Yeah, youโ€™ve proven it.

Who would win? Iโ€™ll share the answer after:

  • Catstrophe
  • BrrBlaze
0 voters

I won brrblaze today with catstrophe ngl no pics though sry

really all mythicals can beat any other mythicals if the other Bro mon is on a rampage

catsrophe wins

Yes it is better than BrrrBlaze (for me)

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even sweezy said Catstrophe would win, boom shackalaca

Coz Catstrophe, the kitty :jar::cat2: who rides the waves of randomness like a boss! Unbeatable, โ€™cause chaos is its playground!

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oops, I destroyed your house, oh well


also sweezy if you can could you check my bro- mon idea? :pleading_face:

Sure thing! Iโ€™ll definitely check out your idea.

Weโ€™ve got loads of ideas pouring in, so we canโ€™t implement everything all at once. However, little by little, some are finding their way into the game. So, who knows, on a beautiful sunny day, your idea might just come to life in the world of Bro-Mon.