Blocky Warriors Bro-Mon

Making a blocky warrior and blocky archer


Cute!Maybe the first one???

i like it but im curious on its type, rarity, catch phrase and

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These name is not good…we need some better name!

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He looks like Steve from Minecraft lol

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Blockade (a line of them)

Rarity: epic
Catchphrase: Hold your post!
Type: Fanfav
Description: Awoken from a magical spell, the blockade was Tenvils only line of defence. They never stray to far and never run from a fight as they stand with pride.

Ur welcome :monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap::monster_catnap:

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Or: Catchphrase:“Always ready to fight!”

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Yeah that’s probably better

Removed bc of spam

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