Bro-mon idea for @sweezy: WildRider

Name: WildRider
Idea: N/A
Crush (level): Mythical
Type: Browsarr :compass:
Description (max 250 characters): When the rider tamed the kelpie, they became an unstoppable duo. Fierce and unyielding battlers, they are quick and nimble with every movement, galloping across the web pages unseen so not to get caught.
Design (optional): anime girl with brown hair, pastel green shirt and navy pants with an angry look on it’s face riding a jumping kelpie (water horse) with a bridle, which will look like a small light bluish-green horse with seaweed mane and tail and an angry look on it’s face with fangs when fighting, girl and keplie standing together for idle with calm faces, both galloping for left and right with a determined look on both of their faces and the kelpie with the fangs, seaweed and pearls going around in circles for appear.


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Sounds amazing!

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Nice :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Excellent idea :open_mouth: