Bro-Mon Idea - OlymRings

Name: OlymRings
Idea: “Sports over war.”
Crush: Mythic
Type: Iconix :movie_camera:
Description: Based off of the Olympics logo, this Bro-Mon is truly the most fit! Run a marathon, freedive through a watertank and start weightlifting, because you’re going to have to block the attacks and jab the opponent out of the way! Made by @Tankinator
Screenshot 2024-08-02 22.01.10


yes also

Awesome idea!!

Nice idea and description. One thing I feel you should change is the design of the bro-mon since it looks too plain to be a mythic

yeah maybe, it’s not too bad tho

Who is the one who animates the bromon

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Just @sweezy and some of them

oh ok

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how many bro-mons do yall have

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Like I need two bro-mon to finish it

damm, im like at 42…

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i started like a week ago.

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A week?but only need 42?That’s more than me

i have 42

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idk how many more i need and its the 6th day for me

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i still got no legendary or above

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i agree

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