Bro-Mon is still unplayable for a lot of users, we NEED THE FIX


This is just ridiculous, nearly 2 weeks without the extension working, no bro-mons spawning, just invisible boxes and blank screens.
I even uninstalled the whole app of Chrome, paused the AdBlocker, paused my Antivirus, reinstalled bro-mon on my secondary account, TRIED EVERYTHING.
Friends of mine are having the EXACT SAME ISSUE and it all happened at the same time for every single player who is encountering this.
I don’t know what happened in the code, but this is clearly a global problem if it happened to several players AND at the same time and same day.
It’s really starting to get frustrating to see some players enjoy the game and the new update while others like me are just wishing they could play at all :face_exhaling:

For real… What in the world is happening… If this issue isn’t solved quickly I believe a lot of players will just disappear, I’m starting to feel so bad about this whole situation and would just uninstall it and forget about this so I can have a bit of inner peace, I swear this is making me lose a lot of time just to help solve this, without succeding.

Doesn’t seem to be happening to me.

u have to click on it and then just wait

Man, did you even read my text? I click on it and it just goes to a black screen as well as waiting for nearly 2 weeks without a single one spawning.
The issue is literally what you said not working :joy:

dont worry at all just give @sweezy a call

I did… But no response from him for 2 days

he prob tired

Hope is just that, I loved the game and I’m very frustrated I can’t play anymore

i feel sowwy fo u

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It may be something running in the background interfering with Bro-mon. Are your other extensions functioning properly?

It may not be the extension’s problem, as I have never encountered this error before

Yeah well then explain why my friend and bro-mon on other devices and computers stopped working all at the same time, the same day.
It happened on my friend’s laptop, on my laptop, on our high school computers, etc.
Same day, same time, just stopped working one day, no sense.
Other players are experiencing this too. There’s literally no clue as why this happened.
I tried rebooting EVERYTHING on several devices and nothing happened. Reinstalling Chrome, the game or whatever doesn’t work either.

:white_check_mark: Thanks to the perseverance and assistance of @Ivanovich8811, we’ve managed to fix this issue.

Everything should be working fine now.

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I’m so happy I could help with this!
I caught 6 bro-mons yesterday and I’m so happy to be able to play once again, I can continue my journey to catch my first legendary now, thank you sweezy for the communication and I’ll let you know about the background thing whenever I catch another one :+1:

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Hooray!!! I’m so happy that you no longer have this problem! :smiley:


Thank you cloud! You also helped me so much and I really really appreciate that! <3

It’s my pleasure to help you, Ivan :slight_smile:

All backgrounds working perfectly again as you told me! :raised_hands::heavy_check_mark:

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Yay :smiley: congrats

Nice :blush: