Bro-mon just updated

These are some of the new bro-mons


And Sherlock Raccoon and Rose


how are you I am definetly not a bot, Yes definetly definetly not a bot soo not a bot :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:

are you even there any more?

I’m happy to see my first bromon idea to be added :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

that is nice.

And no Auroradragon

That’s annoying

I already got 3 new ones

pastelia, cuplain and burger burglar

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@dgmo_yt alt account here.

there is 1 more Bro-Mon (7 Bro-Mon released) that has been added that we don’t know about. What’s it called? I’ve added every other one to the Fandom Wiki.

You counted it wrong, actually there’s only 6 added

oh. I counted rows wrong, sorry!

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Don’t worry I fixed it

I would be very happy to see everything filled out on the new pages! :slight_smile:
Also, are you sure Burger Burglar is id 134?


At the Phrases list, I remember that there’s one saying “Faster than your Wi-fi” or something like that