Bro-mon Render Problem!

For some reason, my Bro-mons’ pictures aren’t loading! @sweezy
This is my main:

And this is my alt:

The same is happening to all of my friends!

It’s better now! Thanks!


We were in the process of transitioning our graphics to a CDN, which likely caused the loading issues you experienced.

I’m glad to hear that everything is back to normal now! If you encounter any more problems, please don’t hesitate to let me know.


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It’s broken for me and my friends too :frowning:

@sweezy @cloud please help me I miss catstophie because of this glitch

Oh, this looks bad, please tell me, the pictures still haven’t loaded for you by this time?

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The problem is back again :frowning:

Looks good for me

its happening to me too

Please fix it sweezy it is happening to me too

Also had the loading issues but i didnt rlly mind

my bro mons are not loading to

yes please fix it as soon as possible

is it possible to fix?

Plz fix @sweezy its getting annoying and I finally got the glitch.

Its so annoying

The bromons have the text bubble and they don’t leave your screen


I’ve just posted some detailed steps on how to help troubleshoot the image loading issue. Please check out the instructions here:

I need you to follow the steps and send me a screenshot of the DevTools window, showing the error status of the images that didn’t load (any status other than 200). This will help us understand and fix the problem.

Thanks for your cooperation!