Bro Mon Unofficial Vlog!

Hi guys! Welcome to the vlog! Here’s the first video!

Pinned just for a day

its kewl


He did i voice reveal like i said in the bromon channel

my video not have…

my voice

Because you do a picture

And then you insert the music

He also said MomoMonstro is msde by someone else i wonder whi could that be …Ca-Cats-Catstrophe

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Screen recording also not have a voice…Maybe you need something?

I only need music

I dont want to show my real voice

Screen recording does…

In another creative way,he can says:“And MomoMonstro was made by a bro-mon!”

Then be quiet… :shushing_face: :deaf_person:

yes, I only want music

With some apps on phone,you can insert the music…As I know,the music usually cover the voice over…Maybe you can set the volume quiet down…

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